
Friday, December 14, 2007

Beginning Lessons - Open Position C Major and minor guitar scale

In this guitar lesson you will learn the C Major and C minor guitar scale - two of the most basic, open position guitar scales. Llearn the shape and sound of each one slowly - it will pay off in the future!
Let's begin with what is the Big Daddy of all scales - The C Major Scale. There are 12 keys in music as we know it
. The key of C major, which is created from the C major scale, is special because it has no sharps or flats. This makes it a very easy scale to learn - C D E F G A B. These are the 7 notes, just like every major scale.The C melodic minor scale is just one note different from the C Major. The 3rd note of the C Major scale is lowered by a half step (1 fret) to create a C melodic minor scale.Here are the scales:

Practicing Tips
Concentrate on your left hand finger technique - Curl your left fingers and play on the fingertips
Play the guitar scale with a steady rhythm and let each note ring.
Start using the metronome when you feel more comfortable with a scale. Guitar Picking patterns
All downs
Alternating (down, up, down, up)
Repeat every note using alternative.

Repeat every note three times using alternating (begin each group of 3 with a down pick)


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